Journalist snaps a photo of a grandma and her cat on a farm in warmed-up weather

Article: Digging shepherd's purse with a cat that followed its owner

Source: Yeonhap via Nate

1. [+1053, -12] Cute ㅠㅠ It heals me ㅠㅠ

2. [+888, -8] It's cute and heart-warming <3

3. [+858, -17]
Journalist: Now that the weather's warming up, it's nice to be doing outside activities. What do you think? Do you come out often?
Cat: Meow~

4. [+55, -1] It's a short article but it has much better content than celebrities' Instagram photos.

5. [+49, -1] People aren't aware of this fact about cats. Those who raise cats indoors wouldn't know, but cats actually follow their owners like dogs. They follow their owners within boundaries. I've been raising street cats on my yard for 7 years and they still follow me. They follow me when I go out to trash garbage and try to tag along when I'm leaving the house. It's not just one cat, but the cat, the cat's kitty, and the kitty's kitty all tag along together~

6. [+45, -0] My grandma feeds street cats in her rural town. When she leaves the town hall, the cats know somehow and follow her ㅋㅋ

7. [+44, -0] Such a nice scene. A world with only humans would be so dreary. Let's live together~

8. [+40, -0] The cat is sticking to its owner without moving around. I don't think that's an indoor cat since it's a rural area.

9. [+37, -0] The grandma must be tired but the picture looks so peaceful~

10. [+33, -0] Are you sure the cat is digging shepherd's purse with its owner? I think the cat is directing the owner...

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