[Welcome 1st Time in Korea] American/Western fathers warn their daughters' boyfriends?

American 1: What kind of gun do you have?
American 2: Shotgun

American 1: You have a nice gun. It'll be really useful when your daughters start dating. When their boyfriend comes over, you'll be cleaning your shotgun. You'll ask the boy 'come here and have a seat', and be like 'Have you ever used this gun before?'

Lee Dong Joon: I experienced the same thing when I was a teenager. My girlfriend's father was from Texas. Her father told me, "Come here, I have something to show you" and then he warned me with a gun.

MC: It's a warning that we can never imagine in Korea.

Alberto: When my father was dating my mother, he also got a warning from her father, except that he was warned with a knife, not a gun.


Pann: How fathers act when their daughters go on a first date in other countries

1. [+303, -3] Isn't this the right thing to do? If you think your daughter is so precious, you shouldn't be commenting how your daughter is dressing like a slut. Instead, you should be killing the guys who call your daughter a slut.

2. [+250, -0] It's better to warn the guy instead of wanting to install a GPS on your daughter or not letting your daughter go on trips.

3. [+148, -0] Indeed, it's so different.

4. [+109, -0] Of course it's different in the West. This is the correct answer, you should be killing the guy. In Korea, it's always the girls' fault for wearing slutty clothes and staying out late. Korea is a good place for male losers to live.

5. [+74, -0] In American dramas and foreign films, it's not always a knife or a gun but the fathers threaten their daughter's boyfriends with words. They don't do things like threatening their daughter to get her head shaved to cage her like Korea.

6. [+49, -1] Whereas some fathers tell their daughters not to go around too much... It's a different mindset.

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