Seventeen Wonwoo's contradictory value with his SNSD comments + his friend's comments

Q) When do you feel that your self-love is strong?
A) Since I was young, my parents taught me to love myself the most. For example, when a friend who's not confident with their looks says "I look so-so today", I tell them "That's not true at all" to cheer them up. I'm always confident when it comes to this kind of thing. Even when my face is a bit puffy, I have the mindset of "No, I'm the best."

Yuri & Hyoyeon answered "yes" to the question "Have you ever fell for your own reflection in the mirror?"

Wonwoo posted the screencap with the title "That's crazy... They said they fell for their own reflections."

His friend commented:
- Why are you posting these?
- Hey, I think you can stop it now


Instiz [1] [2]: Seventeen Wonwoo's contradictory value on looks

- As a long-term fan of SNSD, I'm so pissed off about this. What pisses me off more is comments like "It's because he was in grade 6" "He was young" "He didn't know anything"

- His interview is recent and his comments were when he was 13. He had enough time to change his thoughts and reflect.

- He's obviously taking care of his image

- I hope he doesn't greet Tiffany ㅠㅠ It boils my blood to think that he could be like "sunbae-nim~" with a smile

- What we want isn't a feedback, we want an apology from Wonwoo

- Wonwoo was 13 and SNSD members were 18, 19, 20. He wasn't the only one who was young.

- That's a great friend

- There's also a well-mannered kid like the friend. What kind of a nonsense is "all elementary school students are immature"?

- Now you can't generalize elementary school kids

- The friend is normal ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't understand why Wonwoo kept posting hateful posts of SNSD after reading his friend's comments

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