Seolhyun and Jimin fail to recognize a historical figure Ahn Jung Geun

Just a recommendation. Recently, 1N2D had a few episodes in Harbin, China and they covered the story of Ahn Jung Geun really well.

(Points at Ahn Jung Geun)
Jimin: "Who's he?"

(Both looks up on the Internet)

(The staff gives a hint)
Staff: "Ito Hirobumi"

(Jimin guesses a completely wrong answer)

Staff: "He's related to Ito Hirobumi!"

Jimin: "Ito Hiromomi?"

Seolhyun finds 'Toyotomi Hideyoshi' on the Internet

Seolhyun: "Ahn Jung Geun?"


Pann: The level of AOA Seolhyun and Jimin who are said to be a trend

1. [+157, -0] Are these comments crazy? Whether it's a male idol or a female idol, this is wrong. It's not some other figure, I can't wrap my head around to think that one doesn't know Ahn Jung Geun.

2. [+125, -0] This is not scripted? I can't believe this...

3. [+120, -0] They're so ignorant. What the fuck.

4. [+40, -0] They must've given up to be Korean when they were born.

5. [+32, -0] Wow, even I'm getting embarrassed, fuck.

6. [+30, -1] I don't know about Jimin but aren't there stories of Seolhyun being a smart student when she was in school? This isn't even a hard question yet she doesn't know? What an airhead.

7. [+28, -0] I got goosebumps...

8. [+27, -1] This is too much. It's not some common knowledge, it's something that you should be called an idiot for not knowing the answer. Can they even say they graduated elementary school? They should be ashamed.

9. [+23, -2] I'm not even surprised because they look ignorant.

10. [+21, -0] Ahn Jung Geun aside, why did they skip the picture of admiral Yi Sun Sin? They don't seem to know Yi Sun Sin, either. Do they not teach Korean history these days? Recently, kids on Same Bed Different Dreams also didn't know basic knowledge.

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