Handsome Youtuber gets a sexual sponsor deal via Instagram DM

I'm contacting you because she wanted a really handsome one. A chaebol woman in her 30's is willing to pay $20,000 for an overnight date + sex. Are you interested? The privacy will be protected for sure, and there's the identity of the client, so you don't have to worry about getting exposed. Usually, these paid dates range from $5,000 to $10,000. $20,000 is a rare offer to even celebrities. I believe it's a deal that you won't lose anything to. I'd appreciate it if you're interested.

"A lot of people send me DMs, I don't answer back but I read them. I'm posting this DM that I got today because even after blocking and reporting it, I was still upset. No matter how lonely you are, let's try to live a clean life." #Don'tWantItAtAll #RobotHasFeelingsToo


Pann: Instagram DM that a handsome Youtuber got today

1. [+110, -3] Girls also get those. I'm a non-celebrity in my 20's and I got a DM like that. I felt disgusted. Horny idiots.

2. [+76, -0] A lot of people in their 20's and 30's pay money to have fun with pretty and handsome ones. Chaebols, professionals, well-known CEOs...

3. [+54, -1] If you read the comments on the post, you can spot jealous men ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They sound sarcastic and are like, "Everybody gets that" "It's a spam" "I got one, too" "What kind of chaebol would contact like that?" "Embarrassing that he's making a big fuss out of it" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They don't want to admit that he got the DM because he's handsome. Ugly ones have a bad personality, too, ugh.

4. [+49, -1] Daebak, you get those if you're handsome?

5. [+31, -0] If you agree to take the deal, they might use your agreement as a threat.

6. [+26, -0] $20,000 for one date, wow... How much money does she have?

7. [+14, -0] Isn't he the Youtuber who was preparing to become a policeman?

8. [+13, -0] It might be fake. If he replied and said yes, they could've taken a screenshot of it and spread it to ruin his image.

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