Pict Steps You Can Take To Lessen Your Pest Population

Having pests living in your home is tremendously upsetting. Pests can get into your food and bring disease and general discomfort with them. Do what you can to eliminate them from your living space with these tips.

Do you see fruit flies returning after ridding your home of them? You may have a problem with your drain. Put some plastic over the drain to see. If they do have fruit flies, pour boiling water down the drain to destroy them. That will kill off the breeding cycle which was going on.

An easy way to kill any flying bug in your home is to douse it with hairspray until it falls. There are chemicals in hairspray that kill insects immediately, but the perfume in the product also keeps other insects away.

Check local codes to ensure that you use approved pest treatments. Using banned chemicals can be a mistake pest control that hurts you when you go to sell you home. This is why it is important to know what is appropriate to use.

Use sticky-paper traps to control brown recluse spiders. It can be hard to get to these critters with chemicals, as they hide in deep areas. They appear for food at night. Keep traps near the walls and furniture to catch them.

That same landscape lighting you use to keep intruders away at night, or light the road for your guests, may also be attracting pests. However, if you require landscape lighting, then use pink, orange, or yellow bulbs because pests aren’t as attracted to these specific colors.

Get an exterminator with a trained termite dog to find out if there are termites in your home. If an inspector checks your house on his own, he is only able to confirm that you are about one-third free of termites. A pet dog with the right training is able to check about 100 percent of the house. They smell for the methane gas that is a byproduct of termites eating wood.

Use the tips you’ve just learned for controlling pests. Pests can become a serious problem if you don’t get a handle on them immediately. Use what you have learned here, and hopefully you will be able to get rid of the pests you have.

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