Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers

(Information from an article written in 2014)

Average annual salary
YG - 32 million won
SM - 30.13 million won
JYP - 29.9 million won

Average salary of male
YG - 36 million won
SM - 31 million won
JYP - 32.2 million won

Average salary of female
YG - 26 million won
SM - 29 million won
JYP - 27.4 million won

Average salary of the board of directors
SM - 203.5 million won (Kim Young Min earned 1.3 billion won in 2013)
YG - 196 million won
JYP - 154 million won

Percentage of temporary workers (part-time employees)
SM - 28% (male), 46% (female)
YG - 7%
JYP - 0% (all workers are full-time employees)


Instiz: Average annual salary of SM, YG, and JYP workers (summary)

- Look at the difference between YG's male and female salaries...

- At least SM has the smallest difference between male and female salaries

- It's awesome how JYP only has full-time employees

- Male and female salaries are different because their jobs are different

- If that's for the big 3, then imagine small companies... sobs

- Entertainment industry is known to be paying poorly... People work there for a few years for experience to get into a major company

- I wonder what they do. Is it similar to normal companies?

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