Russian fans of BAP write on Pann

(This Pann post was written in BAP's Fan Talk on Pann. Fan Talk is a subcategory of Pann exclusively for idols. Pann OP is a Russian Baby.)

As it usually happens, when K-pop groups announce their world tour, they mean that they will visit major Asian countries and by the "world part" they mean some big American cities and, as a rule, two or three European countries. And all that we can do is to kick ourselves and believe that somebody will find your motherland on the map and bring happiness with their long-awaited visit someday.

How fortunate that B.A.P think outside the box and break all stereotypes (particularly, about our country)! That is why they held a grand concert which passed with full house and caused a real hysteria among their loyal fans in Moscow on 17th May.
And there are not just many fans of B.A.P in Russia and CIS countries, but a lot of fans. BABYs is one of the largest and most active fandom in Russian K-pop community (one of the leading Russian fanbase counts more than 48,000 members in the fandom), so B.A.P steadily occupy the leading P0SITIONs with each comeback in the largest Russian K-pop charts. Russian BABYs actively vote for the guys in all possible Music Awards and ceremonies and they were not just waiting for the concert in Moscow, they waited for it with great anticipation and aspiration.

Since we wanted to meet our guys "with bread and sault" in the Russian tradition, fandom had been preparing for the event beforehand. The fundraising was organized for the fan project, also we planned the flash mob which was supposed to fully demonstrate B.A.P the great love of Russian-speaking fans. So it happened, but we will talk about it later, and now it is worth to say a few words about the concert.

The demand for tickets was h-u-g-e. This is the most large-scale and successful concert by K-pop group in the history of the Russian-speaking fandom. What is more, not only fans from all over the vast Russia gathered at Moscow Awake concert, but also fans from other CIS countries who was ready to pay any money in order to see their idols. It is impossible to say the exact number of the viewers but it is about several thousands. The spacious concert hall of "Stadium Live" was very crowded and B.A.P were amazed by the fact that they have so many loyal Russian fans.

For the convenience of organizing, fan project's volunteers gave out the bracelets with numbers before the event according to which the fans lined up in a certain order. The excitement started even at that stage, there were so many fans that they literally blocked the pedestrian street. That is why the distribution of bracelets was made in the nearby park afterwards. A queue stretched for a hundred meters; the fans rehearsed chants and repeated B.A.P's lyrics in order to meet their idols fully prepared.

The concert passed with a real triumph! Russians love B.A.P strongly and whole-heartedly, therefore, everyone began to sing along and chant the fan cheers from the first song. The guys were a little bit scared at first: who knew that such a large and cold country has so hot and active BABYs? The flash mob for "With You" song was especially memorable when the fans were singing this significant song with the boys and raised their specially prepared banners «Forever With B.A.P» altogether. The hall acted as a single organism and it was clear that B.A.P members were deeply touched by that kind of support. Jongup even took one of the banners to backstage and we hope that it stayed with the boys as a memory about the significant event.

But what can we say about B.A.P? They are fabulous. They are true professionals. They are laid out on the stage and turn every performance into a small miracle. Their music makes people not only listen to a pleasant melody, but also to think about the meaning of sounding words. The oeuvre and work of these six guys have changed the lives of many people for the better and because of that we are extremely grateful.

They are incredibly handsome in real life. So handsome that it hurts your eyes. ТТ They are like princes that escaped from a fairy tale - it is impossible to look away!
And we were deeply touched by the fact of how diligently they were preparing for the concert. Each of them spoke in Russian not just formulaic words like "Hello" and "Thank you" but also deep and complicated phrases that made fans literally screaming with delight. "Мы существуем благодаря вам" (We exist because of you), "Мы вас любим" (We love you) and, of course, "Ну что, поехали" (Well, let's get it started) from Himchan-oppa will live forever in our memories. Russian language is very difficult for foreigners but they bravely overcame that barrier - all for the sake of their loyal fans.

BABYs from all around the world told that after B.A.P's live performances it is impossible not to become their fan and not to fall in love with their unique music, bright charisma and masculine charms. Now we know that it is true because it is unreal to resist their enchantment. These guys are wizards. Which spells they use is just a mystery. TT

Russian-speaking BABYs gave B.A.P a special award "For the conquest of the world" as a gift. Thus, we would like to emphasize that we are very proud of their success and we hope that the music of our Matoki warriors will sound all over the world because these guys are unbelievable hard-working, talented and glorious. They deserve more, especially in Korea, and we ask you to pay them much more attention and give them your love and support. Though our fandom is quiet but it is very large and active. We hope that the article about the international success of B.A.P will attract much more interest to them.

Please, appreciate B.A.P because they are a real treasure. Like a pearl rarely found in Korean entertainment business. Yes, sir! B.A.P, hwaiting! BABYs, hwaiting!

We love you!


Pann: Idol group that's also popular overseas! K-Pop concert in Russia giving fans a heart attack!

1. [+67, -0] (in English) It was the best concert of my life! I fell in love B.A.P even stronger, although I think that it is no longer possible. They are excellent performers, the best of the best!

2. [+61, -0] (in English) Forever with B.A.P

3. [+61, -0] (in English) Forever with B.A.P

4. [+33, -0] Good work, oppars! ♥ Thank you for always bringing good music! With love from Russia! ♥

5. [+32, -0] (in English) Thanks guys for this wonderful time and memories! It was truly a wonderful and amazing concert in Russia! We will be happy to see you again in our great country! Russian BABYz, American BABYz, German BABYz, Japanese BABYz, Korean BABYz and BABYz of all countries, let's give even more love for B. A. P! Our accommodation is not important, because we are one, we are one family! forever with BABYz forever with B.A.P

6. [+32, -0] (in English) Hello~ I'm a korean B.A.B.Y(you know what this means, right? :) ) First of all, I want to say thank you for this long writing!! I feel so great that you are a great fan of B.A.P and there are so many Russian fans of B.A.P too. Please keep your love for B.A.P no matter what happens!! Thank you so much ~~ ♥

7. [+30, -0] Thank you, Russian fans~ I enjoyed the post ^^

8. [+30, -0] Russia has good eyes. I hope BAP gets acknowledged and succeeds everywhere. I also hope their domestic popularity would increase as much as their international popularity. I believe the day will come.

9. [+29, -0] (in English) Hi Russian BABY :)! Firtst of all, i'm korean BABY and i'm sorry but i'm not good at writing in english ;;But thanks for loving B.A.P and writing what you feel in the concert in detail! Korean BABYZ are cared about their condition during world tour because of the tight schedule, but at the same time we are very proud of performing concert in many countries ! World tour is one of the their dereams and i think it is possible thanks to many international BABYZ including you :-) Forever with B.A.P♥

10. [+29, -0] (in English) It was amazing. Now I love them even more. Forever with B.A.P ♥


Pann: Did you see BAP's Fan Talk?

(Pann talks about the post above)

1. [+61, -0] Wow, look at the pageviews of the post... There are international fans who actually come to Pann and write? Wow...

2. [+58, -0] Hul, isn't it the first on Fan Talk? Interesting

3. [+50, -0] A Korean Baby asked the OP in English to change the post title and they did

4. [+37, -0] (in English) I'm Russian BABY and I can't even say how much I'm happy now. I'm happy to be a part of such amazing and kind fandom. No matter where we live and who we are in our daily lives, we are a very big family thanks to our great boys B.A.P. I will not lie and say that it was not hard to login here. It was REALLY hard for me because I do not know Korean at all (only simple phrases) :"D But I have some Russian friends who is good in Korean~ So they helped us a lot. I want to say Korean BABYs that I'm really grateful for all that you have ever done for us. That is true. Guys, you are awesome! Thank you for your help and support! It is another one great memory in my life. We are always by your side and forever with you... I just want to cry now, sorry... тт^тт

5. [+30, -0] I was confused when I first saw the post and I felt proud after reading it

6. [+26, -0] (in English) We speak different languages, live in different cities, but we are united by music B.A.P. I love B.A.P. I love Baby. I love my fandom. TT

7. [+24, -0] (in English) i feel so good. Forever with B.A.P

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