JYP hits daebak with Twice -> Baek Ah Yeon

Twice & Baek Ah Yeon

Baek Ah Yeon doing well on Melon with 'So So'


Pann: JYP's situation right now

1. [+46, -1] Twice & Baek Ah Yeon are so nice ㅠㅠ JYP Nation is warm

2. [+43, -1] Baek Ah Yeon's song is really good

3. [+41, -1] I love Baek Ah Yeon's voice

4. [+27, -1] I personally wanted Akdong Musician to choose JYP... JYP's atmosphere is good overall and they always do above average.

5. [+24, -0] JYP must be smiling like crazy right now. Twice was #1 for five weeks and the new #1 is a JYP artist again ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+21, -0] It's not true that female JYP artists are the breadwinners of JYP. Wonder Girls, Suzy, Twice, and other female artists are a wall in terms of public recognition, but 2PM is the one that earns the most money. Boy groups are breadwinners.

7. [+21, -1] As expected of JYP, their female artists all hit daebak. I liked Baek Ah Yeon's voice since K-Pop Star. I was sad that she didn't shine much in JYP but now she's a hit.

8. [+17, -0] For JYP, girl groups have public recognition and boy groups have fandoms. Girl groups are for increasing the level of the company. Boy groups are for earning money.

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