Chanyeol stares at a Kris poster at Chinese airport

Pann: Chanyeol stares at a poster at a Chinese airport

1. [+119, -1] I wonder what Chanyeol thought as he was staring at it... Wu Yifan's withdrawal was immediately followed by Luhan and Tao's withdrawals. The members must've struggled emotionally but they posted photos and comforted EXO-Ls on Instagram. EXO-Ls were flustered and shocked. Some of them cried and left the fandom. I can't imagine how hard it was for the members. Antis can hate on us but I don't want them to hate on the 9 members. We are one EXO let's love <3

2. [+111, -1] Fuck, I can't believe he was an EXO member... If I was Chanyeol, I'd be sad as I stare at the poster.

3. [+97, -2] I feel bad for Chanyeol but I also feel bad for the kid because he's doing this to live ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+44, -4] Non-fans, you find this funny, right? If it was your bias, you would've cried and gone crazy but you think it's funny just because it's not your business? Ugh

5. [+35, -0] This person and that person are the same age...

6. [+30, -1] EXO is still doing well without the Chinese traitors ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+30, -0] Sehun also paused at a picture of Luhan... So heartbreaking ㅠㅠ

8. [+22, -0] Fucker. He became a neighborhood ajussi after leaving SM ^^

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