Pict Top 10 Cutest Moments of Daehan, Minguk & Manse!

No matter how much we love the adorable triplets from The Return Of Superman, we have to accept the fact that the boys are growing up and will definitely leave the show one day.

With news and rumors mentioning their departure next year, fans showed their concern and worry towards the rating of the show with the departure of Daehan, Minguk and Manse who have been their all-time favorite.

No doubt there's a need for DKP to dedicate a post to the adorable triplets for all the happiness they brought to all viewers which include myself, here are some amazing moments selected by me, feel free to share more pics with us!

10. Bike ride with appa

9.Triplets Hanbok style

8. Triplets love swimming

7. Skiing mode on

6. Baby triplets

5. Superheroes?

4. Ahjumma style

3. Little mermaids????

2. We have got 3 reindeers in the house!

1. Last but not least, thanks appa Song Il Gook, please continue to raise them well!!

Tears flowing already, thanks for all the wonderful moments, from the bottom of my heart!!
Download picture Top 10 Cutest Moments of Daehan, Minguk & Manse! pack .zip photo : link

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