When smoking on broadcast was allowed in Korea

In the past, smoking was accepted in buses, taxis, and public places.
Smoking started to disappear on broadcast since 2002~2003.


Instiz: When Korea was free to smoke

- Wow... feels unfamiliar...

- When it was first banned on broadcast, it was awkward ㅋㅋ

- It's weird that underage smoking was less common back then

- Some aspects were more open-minded in the past. Roo'ra had a black member and Chae Rina was very popular with her tanned skin. These days, pale skin is mostly preferred.

- Reminds me of 1N2D's non-smoking episode ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Kim Junho was smoking joyfully and it was blurred ㅋㅋㅋ

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