More evidences of IU's lolicon concept?

There's a girl doll with spreading legs and an ajussi doll above it

A very short scene from IU's music video:

"Heok.... heok..." (sexual moans)
"Oppa... heok... a little faster..."


Pann: Two things of IU's lolicon concept that gave me the most goosebumps

1. [+154, -8] Look how she keeps pushing the lolicon concept. I think IU wants the public to see her like Zeze lyrics. She said that Zeze lyrics were her most favorite. She look like a kid, transparent, innocent, and like a sunshine from the outside but on the inside, she's cunning, dirty, cloudy, and opposite from an innocent girl. I think this is how she wants to be provocative as. "Climb up the tree, kiss the leaves, take the youngest leaf, take the only flower..." She wants the public to see her like an innocent child but to get seduced by her femininity... She's trying to appeal sexually by her pure girl image.

2. [+133, -7] The MV scene is intended for sure. What's the point of putting a scene of a phone screen? And why does it have to be a text of moaning and saying oppa? The excuse of a 'fake post' is a backup plan in case it gets controversial. This is a scene in a MV, they must've intended something when filming it.

3. [+125, -7] The text is from the music video of Spring of 20. The next scene is a gym and it turns out that the post is fake. But the fact that they put a sexual text is surely something.

4. [+71, -0] She made it really obvious with tiny details but I just didn't notice them until now...

5. [+55, -0] She wants to attract ajussi fans... She's always been promoting with lolicon concept. Infinity Challenge's song was based on Leon, it's obovious. She sexualized Zeze who is five. She described him as sexy and cunning, which doesn't match the book. In You and I, the lyrics are about her wanting the time to pass quickly and that she can't like him yet because she's not grown up. She thinks she's an artist so she tries to do a controversial concept. Lolicon concept is how she wants to appeal and it's also her true self. Maybe IU herself is innocent and cunning, like how she describes Zeze. She seems to be describing herself. We have to think a lot about it because her recent album shows a lot of lolicon signs.

6. [+54, -1] The girl doll is spreading legs and there's an ajussi doll above it. So scary.

7. [+53, -0] Crazy. I've never seen the "oppa, faster" text before. That's just crazy.

8. [+47, -2] If that's how she wants others to see her, it means that she wants old ajussis to want to do her when they watch her photos and videos... That's straight up lolicon... So shocking.

9. [+40, -0] We need to stop saying 'lolicon' and call it 'pedophilia'. The word 'lolicon' itself is fetishizing pedophilia so people don't realize what a serious crime this is. To those that are defending her, pedophilia is treated like a trash among criminals and it's also strictly punished in Korea. IU is well-known figure and if a well-known figure keeps using pedophilia as a concept to promote and neutralize the crime, it becomes a serious problem. If IU's concept is indeed pedophilia, it needs to be punished for inappropriate content of minors.

10. [+40, -2] She tries so hard to attract uncle fans, tsk tsk

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