Junghwan having a boner in 'Reply 1988'?

Pann: Is Junghwan holding his boner?

1. [+190, -11] This is so fucking sexy...

2. [+132, -7] He's having a boner because their chests are touching and because it's an awkward situation. After the scene, Duk Seon looks down there.

3. [+92, -6] He's having a boner? Isn't it just their chests touching? I thought Duk Seon looked down because she was aware of her chest touching him.

4. [+56, -0] Isn't it scripted though? ㅋㅋ Hyeri also looks down after that. If it wasn't scripted, they would've gotten flustered and had to re-shoot the scene.

5. [+53, -0] It's heart-fluttering but it's also making me wonder why they're standing like that when they can stand next to each other.

6. [+36, -1] I think he's holding it. I personally find this more heart-fluttering than the bus scene.

7. [+35, -0] He's trying to have innocent thoughts

8. [+32, -2] Ah fuck, he's ugly but handsome... I don't know how to describe it. I love Ryu Jun Yeol.

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