(double eyelid tape)
Pann: I fool people with my makeup
1. [+332, -6]
2. [+119, -7] If you enter a university with your makeup skills, you'll get into Seoul University with scholarships
3. [+137, -4] Wow... it's no joke... daebak...
4. [+78, -1] I was gonna say that your makeup looks weird but... Get double eyelid surgery, you'll look pretty
5. [+56, -3] Your husband will run away when you erase your makeup on the first night ㅋㅋ
6. [+35, -0] You must get double eyelid surgery, you'll succeed for 100%. I envy you, I have double eyelids but my eye aren't pretty...
7. [+20, -1] You fraud
8. [+11, -0]