Mamamoo's rapper Moonbyul, who crossdresses as a boy in their latest music video for "Uhm Oh Ah Yeh", has been gaining attention for her striking resemblance to EXO's Xiumin.
Moonbyul has appeared twice with her 'Yool oppa' image in two of their live stages and still garnering discussions on how she looks so alike to the EXO member. The latest photos of her are uploaded on their SNS account wherein she appears so boyish in white polo shirt and short hair.
Netizens are commenting, "Yool oppa marry me!","How can you be so pretty and handsome at the same time?","I though it's Xiumin.","Really looks like Xiumin!","Wow you're Xiumin's doppelganger!"
Pretty Moonbyul can be flower boy oppa indeed! Watch Xiumin, ooppsss... Yool oppa dancing below XD
Download picture Mamamoo's Moonbyul's striking resemblance to EXO's Xiumin pack .zip photo : link