GOT7's Bambam receives the best fan-service from G-Dragon

GOT7's Bambam who is known to be a devoted fanboy of Big Bang and G-Dragon has received the best fanservice ever from his idol.

Bam Bam is lucky enough to be with Big Bang in an elevator and took the opportunity to express how he look up to his sunbaes. In regard to this, Daesung was able to obtain a letter from Bambam to G-Dragon and read it aloud.

It was writte, "Hello G-Dragon sunbae. I'm GOT7's Bambam. I thank you because I've achieved this far." Feeling overwhelmed from the short yet meaningful message, G-Dragon suddenly grabbed and hugged Bambam tightly while the GOT7 member was very surprised.

Such a very heartwarming moment. Bambam must be so happy! Watch the cute interaction between an idol fanboy meeting his idol sunbae below:

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