Pict I love fashion design, and am hoping to start up my own line. Most of my inspiration comes from your photos. I do not trust any other site, Sometimes i look through your feed but if i want a specific style or idol you have the tagging system so clean cut i always get what i am looking for. I Just wanted to say what a good job you do!

Oh wow, that’s great - good luck with your fashion design :) I’m so glad that my blog inspires you. Thank you so much for this lovely message!

Download picture I love fashion design, and am hoping to start up my own line. Most of my inspiration comes from your photos. I do not trust any other site, Sometimes i look through your feed but if i want a specific style or idol you have the tagging system so clean cut i always get what i am looking for. I Just wanted to say what a good job you do! pack .zip photo : link

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