Liu Wen dances to 'Sorry Sorry' upon meeting SJ brothers-in-law

It must be a ritual to welcome the bride of any Super Junior members on We Got Married and make her dance to 'Sorry Sorry' as what top model Liu Wen did opun meeting her Super Junior brothers-in-law.

In the preview of Chinese We Got Married, Siwon introduces Liu Wen to his fellow members Zhoumi, Kangin, and Leeteuk. Seems like the gentlemen were all amazed by the beauty of their soon-to-be sister in law.

However, despite the tease, Liu Wen is very game and dances to 'Sorry Sorry' and even displays her professional runway walk leaving Siwon and the rest in awe. Watch the entertaining video below:

Download Liu Wen dances to 'Sorry Sorry' upon meeting SJ brothers-in-law video

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