Crayon Pop release the choreography video for their newest single 'FM' for their Dance Cover Event.
The girls flawlessly demonstrate their new formation and easy-to-follow point dances so fans can take their time to learn the choreography. Mechanics for the dance cover event as follows:
- Participation Method:
1. Upload your dance cover video titled 'Crayon Pop FM cover' on Youtube.
2. Send your Youtube link and participants' name to Crome Entertainment admin email account (
- Participation Period: March 25th, 2015 - April 11th, 2015 (KST)
- Winner Announcement: April 18th, 2015 (through Crayon Pop Official Twitter)
- Method Selecting Winner: Crayon Pop will choose 10 videos themselves (including clever idea and views)
- Prizes: autographed CD
Don't miss the chance and enjoy the new dance!
Download Crayon Pop release choreography video for 'FM' video