Crayon Pop release choreography video for 'FM'

Crayon Pop release the choreography video for their newest single 'FM' for their Dance Cover Event.

The girls flawlessly demonstrate their new formation and easy-to-follow point dances so fans can take their time to learn the choreography. Mechanics for the dance cover event as follows:

- Participation Method:

1. Upload your dance cover video titled 'Crayon Pop FM cover' on Youtube.

2. Send your Youtube link and participants' name to Crome Entertainment admin email account (

- Participation Period: March 25th, 2015 - April 11th, 2015 (KST)

- Winner Announcement: April 18th, 2015 (through Crayon Pop Official Twitter)

- Method Selecting Winner: Crayon Pop will choose 10 videos themselves (including clever idea and views)

- Prizes: autographed CD

Don't miss the chance and enjoy the new dance!

Download Crayon Pop release choreography video for 'FM' video

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