Kim Yoo Jung and SNSD

Pann: Wow, Kim Yoo Jung doesn't lose next to SNSD

1. [+98, -9] Kim Yoo Jung is much prettier

2. [+90, -9] Kim Yoo Jung is even natural

3. [+46, -29] What's with Taeyeon's facial expression?

4. [+21, -3] She's even prettier than them

5. [+15, -2] Ugh, don't compare a natural beauty to plastic beauties ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+15, -10] I think it's just a bad picture for SNSD

7. [+14, -1] Crazy, she's so pretty. Her face is also really tiny. Kim Yoo Jung and SNSD are all pretty. Poor me.

8. [+11, -1] Kim Yoo Jung is much prettier

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