'Tomorrow Cantabile' release first still cuts of Joo Woon and Shim Eun Kyung

The very first still cuts of Joo Woon and Shin Eun Kyung from their first shooting of 'Tomorrow Cantabile' are made public showing their chemistry.

The appearance of perfectionist and arrogant Joo Woon as Cha Yoo-Jin deals with the bubbly 4D character of Shim Eun Kyung as Seol Nae Il, a genius pianist but clumsy.

The still cuts show Nae Il following Yoo-Jin around displaying her lively expression while the latter's in poker face. It is said that the first filming took place on September 10 in Yeoju, Gyeonggido and both actors were very composed and showed their commitment to their characters.

Meanwhile, the remake of the hit drama airs on October 13 taking over the KBS2 Mon & Tue 21:55 time slot occupied by "Discovery of Love".

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